Snow Da(y)ze

January 31, 2011 § Leave a comment

Oh what a mild winter we’ve had?! I find myself apt to complain on days like today, snow-a-blowin with a layer of ice smothering everything that lives, but let’s be real: compared to last winter, this isn’t bad. Yeah, smoking is not fun in this. Walking places is even worse. One finds oneself likely to not get out of the bed, wrapped in a cocoon of every blanket they’ve ever owned.

I managed to get out for some delicious soup at Bison Witches though and good golly I’m glad I did. Got to see some people and here I am enjoying a cup of coffee. I hear talk of snow days coming up on campus. It’s strange, now that I’ve grown to the ripe age of 23, how little effect “snow days” have on me. In elementary it was a day to go nuts and dig yourself a snowy grave, throwing ice packed snowballs at each other until it wasn’t fun anymore; Jimmy’s bleeding from the forehead threatening his mother on you. All you want is to be at home taking a warm shower, the water burning your already black, frozen fingers.

High school comes and it’s just another day to sit inside, away from school, your parents at work. A day to sleep until 11, watch some movies, listen to some tunes, eat a frozen pizza and drink about 18 Dr. Peppers, talk on the phone for three hours with that girl who you were once sure was the love of your life. “My life is over.. we were in Looooove!” sobbing to yourself, trapped in your town of 200, snow barricading every exit from town. Or something like that..

Then college.. Every time there’s a heavy snow, you spend the hours of 10 pm-3 am looking at the campus website, crossing your fingers. “CLOSE SCHOOL!! PLEASE, GOD!” even though you live only a 5 block trek from campus. Then, when it’s not called off you only get 4 hours of sleep because you’ve been up all night, and if it does get called, you have your shitty, part-time job serving cheap, endless pasta bowls. But it’s dead there because nobody wants to go out in the storm.

Then college ends. You find yourself staring at a blank word document, the cursor blinking at you, saying, “Yeah, I dare you to piece together an effective resume.. idiot.” Same shitty, part-time job serving cheap, endless pasta bowls ($2.13/hour). All the snow does now is makes you want to lay in your bed. Day off? I guess I’ll blanket up. Your friends, still in college, teem with excitement about the potential snow day. “My entire life is a snow day,” you say.

What happened?! When I was seven I once spent something like four hours building an igloo with a small bathroom trash can for building the igloo bricks! When finished, I just lay inside, listening to the quiet sound of snow falling, the absence of sound, the breeze howling across the opening, somehow warming myself in the snow, my muscles sore from trying to maneuver in my “Christmas Story”-esque attire. Now I can’t even get myself out of bed if I hear it MIGHT snow. Something beautiful is lost between 7 and 17 and so on. I cant imagine what I’ll be like at 27. I hope at 27 I revert back, I build igloos and dig tunnels through giant piles of snow and have snowball fights again. I think it’s time for me to MAKE a snow day happen again.

Carpe Snow’em!

Jimmy gives an update

January 11, 2011 § Leave a comment

Jimmy hasĀ been busy over the past couple months. There is a lot of footage of the past months that needs to be consolidated telling the tales of Mr. Jimmy “The Snake” Pavalatti. Once we figure out the best way to consolidate all of it, you will be privy to some of Jimmy’s deepest secrets, his greatest victories, his highest highs and his lowest lows. In the mean time, I’ll let Jimmy tell you a little bit about what he’s been up to:

hey guys. whatta crazy coupla months its been. i used my first computer. got my first non-garbage job. went on a date. relived some of my demons and fears and here i am. the anthro apology didn’t work out so well. i ended up gettin’ drunk and sleeping through class a coupla days inarow. they didnt like that much. ended up doin the recycling gig for a while. that stuck pretty well. im gonna take this opratune-ity to tell you all a very important message: SORT YOUR FUCKIN RECYCLIN’! GET RID OF THE CAPS!

ennyhow.. i met a beautiful woman on a dating website. i was gettin lonely and ben suggested i try a site called jdate since my name is jimmy and my name starts with j i guess. it was going pretty well but.. well i wont tell you too much. shortly after this some of my history was brought up by those stupid idiot asshole sketch comedy sonsofbitches and i was forced to relive all of my darkest fears. yes.. children’s dance koreahgrafy. yeah.. we all had dreams once.

its hard living in a new city alone when your only friends are a buncha assholes who follow you with their cameras.

anyway.. more to come from nicetrykid and your friend jimmy “the snake” pavalatti.

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